The Mystery of Creation: Chapter 6: Limited Wills: New Mysteries to Solve

New Mysteries to Solve
                But this is not the end.  Now that we know the “why” we now have other mysteries that we need to solve for.  For starters, “What did humans do to reject God and do evil?”  And another thing, “What did God do to make a way for humans to be restored, to be saved from whatever this terrible thing is that we did wrong?”  He had to have had a plan for it, but what exactly was that plan? 
                And then we must ask other questions.  We know that God must have made angels with free wills.  Did any of them sin?  What happens to angels if they sin?  Do they suffer and die like people do?  Do angels and humans and all free will beings suffer the same fate if they sin?  (Of course, if you know the Bible at all you probably already know the answers.  However, because we are taking this one step at a time from logical conclusion to logical conclusion, we need to ask these questions anyway as if we don’t know what the Bible says.)
                If God set up punishment for humans, certainly He must have set up punishment for all beings who have free wills, including angels.  I mean, if you make laws, you need to set punishments up as well so that everyone is encouraged to live by the law and discouraged to break the law. 
                Therefore, angels and humans both, and any other free will beings, would have been given very specific laws, and each would have been told what the rewards were for living by the laws and what the punishments were for breaking those laws.  What, then, are these laws and what are the punishments for these laws?


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