cover art by Kirsi Salonen http://www.kirsisalonen.com/ Welcome to Holy Wars! It is a title of a series of stories that I am writing based on the Bible and historical events, religions, etc. that I have tried to piece together into one cohesive epic drama. Besides these historical fiction stories, I also plan on including, on this site, a good deal of concepts, ideas, research, etc. that I have come across during my own studies of the Bible and other historical/religious documents. So this site is going to contain many theories, philosophies, theology, etc. The concept behind the title of the story series, as well as the blog, is that our history is rife with wars based on religion. Since the dawn of mankind, there have been two types of religious warfare. The first is the obvious. We have battled physically over religion, killing each other in the name of gods. The second is theological. We have battled spiritually and mentally over wha...