The Mystery of Creation: Chapter 3: Understanding the Trinity: Scriptural Support

Scriptural Support
                Don’t believe me?  Do you think this is all NOT scriptural?  Where is my proof that all this is true?  Well, it seems to make sense.  However, people thought that the world being flat made sense before it was proven wrong.  Therefore, just because it makes sense doesn’t mean that it is true.  (I am speaking, now, from a Christian perspective and not secular, for Christians will want scriptural references to back up these ideas.)
                So let’s give some scriptural references.  John 1:1-3:  “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” 
                This passage shows that the Bible supports the idea that God’s Word is like the computer programming for our universe.  Just as all things within a computer function because of line upon line of computer code, so it is with the universe.  Everything that we experience functions because of line upon line of God’s Word.  Nothing can exist without God’s Word.  All things are made by God’s Word.
                In Genesis 1, we read that in the beginning God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.  Just like in a video game where the programming language might tell the monitor to display white all over a screen, so all God had to do was use His Word to command light to exist, and light simply existed in the universe.  Just as we can make games simply by telling a computer where we want what to exist and just how it should appear on the screen, so all God has to do is tell the universe where He wants what to exist and just how it should appear.
                His Word is laid out so that all history is defined and pre-determined.  This massive “Universe Game” is already programmed into God’s system from start to finish by the Word.  Then the Father commands the Holy Spirit to have His Word executed starting at the beginning of the “program.”  The Word says, “In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth,” in Genesis 1:1, and the Father says, “Read this and execute it,” and as the Holy Spirit reads this Word from the Father He immediately transfers energy and creates the Heavens and the Earth on the universe’s “computer screen” (which is space).
                And so, what this means is that God is like an infinite computer.  He has unlimited memory space and can contain unlimited amounts of data.  This also means that just as with a computer, space is actually defined.  It isn’t just an empty void.  Every pixel on a screen has a location on the screen that is defined by coordinates.  In the same way, every tiny spec of space is a defined location in God’s universe.  If God wants to create something outside of the physical universe as it is today, all He has to do is “zoom out” and every last thing that he’s already made just becomes a bit smaller, giving Him more room to build new worlds and stars and nebulas wherever He wants in the vastness of His own defined space.
                So what this means is that currently the universe is only as big as God has made it.  Outside of the physical universe there is nothing that is defined.  If you were to jump in a spaceship and fly to the edge of the universe it would be like flying to the edge of a computer screen in a video game.  Either God could instantly create more for you to explore, thus zooming the screen out, or He could simply teleport you to the other side of the universe…or He could just have you float endlessly through nothing.  Whatever He desires, that is what He could do if you reached the borders of defined space.


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