The Mystery of Creation: Chapter 5: The Unseen Kingdom of God: Back to the Illustration of the Computer Game Engine

Back to the Illustration of the Computer Game Engine
                Relating it back to the computer game engine…The archangel is a big boss who oversees a lot of functions in the system.  He is in charge of a lot of other angels.  One angel that he may be in charge of is like the rendering engine for 2D or 3D graphics.  This rendering angel is then in charge of tons and tons of elements within the game.  The rendering angel makes sure that when a character is moving around that grass appears (or is rendered) and a rock off to the right comes “rolling” into view and that horse is rendered into view, and so on. 
                But that’s just one angel that serves under this particular archangel.  The archangel is also in charge of an angel that is like a physics engine.  This physics angel makes sure that people don’t jump through walls.  He also makes sure that when the wind blows a person’s hair moves.  He makes sure people don’t jump too high. 
                Another angel is the angel of sound.  Another is the angel of animation, or making sure characters move realistically and so forth.  Another is just in charge of making sure glitches don’t occur.  Another angel evaluates and reallocates how much “memory”, or how much space within the vast expanse of God’s memory, all of this data is taking up. 


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